Sunday, January 20, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
This picture will self destruct? Otherwise known as potato, potahto
I don't know if my pictures of products are disappearing because of copyright issues or what but it's annoying. One of the reasons I started this blog was to write reviews of products. I'm a novice so... there's that.
Anyway. Simply Potatoes is getting a thumbs down. I have bought this product several times and I have yet to get the solid mass of crispy shredded potato like you'd get at a good greasy spoon. I've tried adding oil. Butter. Last week I tried adding an egg but they still wouldn't hold together. Of course, judging from the picture on the package (which is likely to disappear only to be replaced by a broken image icon).... Yep. that's pretty much what mine looked like. oh well. Still and all, I probably won't be buying them again. meh.
American Horror Story: Asylum
Ok. What's creepiest? "Baby needs colostrum." Dylan McDermott playing a 48 year old with intense mommy issues or the alien story line? wha? In fairness, the alien story line is just confusing. Don't you want to tell Son of Bloody Face to just chill out?
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Happy Birthday to Meeeee!
So. Lobster roll. Freakshow Cab Sauv wine. Chocolate covered Madeleine's. Happy 48th. Yay me!
I love Lobster roll. When I left Long Island and moved south I resigned myself to the fact that Lobster roll would be a special treat when we went home to visit once a year. Our trips home always included at least one stop to Bracco's on the Nautical Mile in Freeport. There's nothing like a Lobster roll and an ice cold Corona on the deck overlooking the water on a hot summer day. Years ago I tried looking for a recipe online to replicate but it seemed to be a well guarded secret. One day an article appeared in the newspaper reviewing a restaurant that was within driving distance. The dish that the reviewer raved about was the Lobster roll. What!? I had to try it out. I dropped the kids off at school and made the 45 minute drive and boy was it worth it! This Lobster roll was almost as good as Bracco's. It was only almost as good as Bracco's only because there was no hot, sunny, summer day. No ice cold Corona (I still had to drive myself home) and no waterfront dining.
The first time, I was too embarrassed to eat alone so I got the Lobster roll to go. I ate it in my car in a remote part of the parking deck. The first few bites of cool, sweet, salty lobster salad inside the warm, toasty, buttery bun. Yum! It was pure heaven. The second time, I tried to look for a nice park nearby to eat at to no avail. I drove around fervently, all the while, my lobster roll was getting colder and colder. I eventually wound up in a church parking lot. After that I said screw it and I ate at the restaurant. Funny thing is, I began to notice that other people were dining alone also. They weren't sad or pathetic or lonely. They were just people out for a meal. Then I didn't feel so weird anymore. Sadly, the restaurant was a victim of the bad economy and closed down about two years ago. Since then I have been forced to figure out a way to make it at home. It was difficult to find a good recipe online so I just kinda winged it and cobbled this together. It's a actually a pretty simple recipe. You don't need alot of the "sauce". You want the lobster to be the main attraction. The sauce is just an enhancement. Top split hot dog buns are the most authentic New England style but top split buns are hard to find. If you have to use regular buns just trim off the sides. Then you butter the sides and cook them in a pan like you would a grilled cheese. You can also use croissants in a pinch. I just cut them in half and pop them in the toaster oven on a tray so that the insides stay soft and don't crisp up. But you should make sure the croissant is well stuffed so that the lobster salad is the star of the show.
As it is, I have exactly one supermarket nearby that sells fresh lobster and they'll steam it for me too. So I let them do that part. They usually just have a stock of 1 1/2 pound lobsters. I always ask them to look for one with big claws. I prefer the claw meat over tail. I take the lobster home and I can break that sucker down in under 10 minutes. Put it in the fridge to cool down and we're good to go.
This recipe is based on the ratio of lobster available. I kind of eyeball it all up.
Lobster Roll
Lobster meat from a steamed 1 1/2 pound lobster
1/4 cup low fat Hellman's mayonnaise
1 TBS low fat sour cream (opt)
1 rib celery chopped
1 teaspoon capers - chopped
1/2 teaspoon Old Bay seasoning
splash of lemon juice
Top Split hot dog buns or a croissant
Mix everything together except the lobster.
Put the lobster in a separate bowl and add the mayo mix to it a little at a time. It only takes a small bit to cover the lobster. You don't want the lobster to be too wet. Sometimes I don't even use all the sauce.
If you have a top split hot dog bun, butter the sides and cook them in a pan. Add lobster salad and eat!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Jenelle needs help and I think it should be long while before she ever gets custody of Jace, if ever. This kid Josh (and his mom) have no idea what they're getting into. Apparently they don't own TV's.
Corey only seems to want Leah now that she's moved on. To recap, they were living in that shitty house/trailer with the messed up bathroom. Leah wanted better and Corey wanted a truck. So he bought a truck. And then Leah cheated or something? Maybe? I don't remember exactly. Then the divorce happened. Leah was correct in thinking that Corey says he wants her back but doesn't seem willing to put in the effort. Leah is finally getting smart.
I think a move to Texas would be good for Kailyn. Jo and his family have been kinda douchey to her. I don't remember what transpired between Kailyn and Jo's mother or if I blinked and missed the part (or it was edited out) where Kailyn wronged Jo's mother. I think they've been unnecessarily mean to her. I don't know what it is that attracts emotionally abusive people to Kailyn. I think that it's amazing that Kailyn persevere's when she has absolutely no support. She seems like a pretty level headed girl. I hope that she can move forward now that Jo has declared that there is nothing at all between them besides Issac.
What happened to Adam? He just fell off the face of the Earth. Chelsea's dad must be thrilled. Chelsea is so cute with Aubree. Her little manicure was adorable. Chelsea is a really good mom. It's Adam's loss.
Corey only seems to want Leah now that she's moved on. To recap, they were living in that shitty house/trailer with the messed up bathroom. Leah wanted better and Corey wanted a truck. So he bought a truck. And then Leah cheated or something? Maybe? I don't remember exactly. Then the divorce happened. Leah was correct in thinking that Corey says he wants her back but doesn't seem willing to put in the effort. Leah is finally getting smart.
I think a move to Texas would be good for Kailyn. Jo and his family have been kinda douchey to her. I don't remember what transpired between Kailyn and Jo's mother or if I blinked and missed the part (or it was edited out) where Kailyn wronged Jo's mother. I think they've been unnecessarily mean to her. I don't know what it is that attracts emotionally abusive people to Kailyn. I think that it's amazing that Kailyn persevere's when she has absolutely no support. She seems like a pretty level headed girl. I hope that she can move forward now that Jo has declared that there is nothing at all between them besides Issac.
What happened to Adam? He just fell off the face of the Earth. Chelsea's dad must be thrilled. Chelsea is so cute with Aubree. Her little manicure was adorable. Chelsea is a really good mom. It's Adam's loss.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Les Miserables
Saw this today. Beautiful movie. I was very impressed by Ann Hathaway and Amanda Seyfried. She can really hit the high notes. I thought what a shame that they don't get to use their voices in movies more often. But how nice that they get to sing now. I knew that Hugh Jackman could sing already but I have to admit I was impressed by him as well. Playing a serious part and all. I normally think of him playing more lighthearted roles. I never saw the Broadway version so I had nothing to compare it to but I kept thinking about how it translated on the stage. Sasha Baron Cohen is such a treat. I love him in anything. Helena Bonham Carter was great as well. The children who played Cosette and Gavroche were impressive as well. IMDB says this is a first role for both of them. The guy who played Marius, Eddie Redmayne looked so baby-faced. I thought why did they cast him and then he sang Empty Chairs at Empty Tables. It was brilliant.
I have to say that the scene where Jean Valjean carried Marius through the sewer and then he starts singing when Javert corners him all I could think was Hugh Jackman's gonna get sewer poo in his mouth. What kind of diseases are in there? errrrr. It's not real. It's a movie. It's just very expensive movie mud. That looks like poo.
Other than that, good movie. Love the wisteria outside Cosettes window.
Lladro Life Amazement
Found this at TJ Maxx today. It was on a shelf in the perfume area. I thought it looked odd for a perfume bottle and out of place. I picked it up and turned it over. It was a Lladro. With a red sale sticker marked down to $119. I looked it over and over for any chips or blems but found none. Why is it here in TJ Maxx? Marked down? I think it's quite cute. I justified the purchase by thinking of giving it to my mom. My mom used to collect Lladro's. Plan ahead for Mother's Day. I figured I could always return it. When I took it to the register the lady was like Really? Really? $119. Mm hm. Oh kay Miss Thang and she gave me the raised eyebrows. I don't know why but I felt like I had to explain. It's a gift! For my mother! She collects them! Well all right. You seem to know what your doing. I'm thinking Oh great. If I return this I have to take it back to a different store now. But, I think I'll keep it. I came home a searched it online and after digging around found out it's called Life Amazement from the Harmony collection and it was retired in 2008. It's worth $490 according to the Lladro website. But actually it's worth $119 because that's what I paid for it. I have a feeling I may even wind up keeping it. For me.
I always say it's only worth X if you have somebody willing to pay X.
Frost Flower
“It is as beautiful as it is rare. A frost flower is created on autumn or early winter mornings when ice in extremely thin layers is pushed out from the stems of plants or occasionally wood. This extrusion creates wonderful patterns which curl and fold into gorgeous frozen petioles giving this phenomenon both its name and its appearance.”
Mah mah heart like a kick drum
Saw the Avett Brothers on New Year's Eve in Greensboro. They were awesome. Opened with Head Full of Doubt. It's one of my favorites. The very song that got me through 2010 and 2011. They all came out in white suits. It was a foot stompin, hand clapping, rawkin' good time. The crowd was so diverse. There were 60 year olds in church clothes right down to 8 (my estimation) year olds. Lotta drinking going on. They were selling tall boys at the show. I was just hoping that no one would yak on my suede Vera Wang boots. That would not be cool. I did not drink in deference to my husband who had to drive home later that night. It wouldn't be fair after all. We contemplated staying overnight in a hotel but we didn't feel comfortable leaving the 18 year old boy home alone for the first time on a New Year's eve. The one for whom Head Full of Doubt so aptly resonated for me.
Sister Bonnie came out and joined them on two songs one of which was Salvation Song. That was great. So much love in the family.
Every song selection was perfect. How can you go wrong? They even had a second stage up at the far end of the arena so that the folks in the back had front row seats for a time. At the end of Ten Thousand Words all of a sudden there a great reverb throughout the arena. I looked at my husband and I said What's going on? Is it Midnight? Is it a spaceship? Is it a terrorist attack? He said Nah, someone f'd up is all. Probably leaned on the wrong button. Then they picked back up on the main stage with the ever blistering Colorshow. And Laundry Room. Old Joe Clark and Talk on Indolence. And even Geraldine. Which I previously was not crazy about but seeing/hearing it live yeah, I can dig it. And Salina.
You knew you were among North Carolinian's when during Murder in the City no one (but me) whooped for Brooklyn Brooklyn take me in. When my son left for NYC two days after graduating from high school I listened to that song and sang Brooklyn, Brooklyn take him in. And it did and I knew he would be okay.
The encore was great. Salvation Song. I Killed Sally's Lover (So I go and get my murder tools-that line always makes me laugh), Gimme a Kiss and I and Love and You. Perfection.
It's so great that the Avett Brothers do this New Year's show in their home state every year. These guys are so talented. They're great musicians and just wonderful songwriters and story tellers. I'm glad that they're getting more notoriety lately but I love that they still make time for their roots in NC. They put on thi tremendous, rockin show. I never got the opportunity to see them at the small clubs around town because my kids were small then and we had no one to watch the kids. I was glad that we got to see them this year. I think that I will always spend my New Year's Eve with the Avetts as long as they will let me.
*Funny but I had to call the vet earlier in the day to get a prescription refill for my dog. I asked what time the vet was open until just in case I needed whatever. The secretary said 4. The doctor HAS to be out the door at 4. My first thought was "Why? Is she going to the Avett Brothers?" then I thought nah, I'm sure she just has New Year's Eve plans. So we drive to Greensboro. Heading down the main road and we wanna stop to eat. So we go to a Wendy's past the arena because all the restaurants are a 30 minute wait. We get our food and my husband says You're gonna think I'm crazy but isn't that our vet? I looked and I couldn't be sure but I do believe it was her. I didn't go over and say hi because I cancelled my last appointment and then I asked them to send the scrip to the pharmacy rather then fill it at the office because it saved me a trip to the vet and $15 bucks. So I thought it might be awkward. But, small world huh?
Sister Bonnie came out and joined them on two songs one of which was Salvation Song. That was great. So much love in the family.
Every song selection was perfect. How can you go wrong? They even had a second stage up at the far end of the arena so that the folks in the back had front row seats for a time. At the end of Ten Thousand Words all of a sudden there a great reverb throughout the arena. I looked at my husband and I said What's going on? Is it Midnight? Is it a spaceship? Is it a terrorist attack? He said Nah, someone f'd up is all. Probably leaned on the wrong button. Then they picked back up on the main stage with the ever blistering Colorshow. And Laundry Room. Old Joe Clark and Talk on Indolence. And even Geraldine. Which I previously was not crazy about but seeing/hearing it live yeah, I can dig it. And Salina.
You knew you were among North Carolinian's when during Murder in the City no one (but me) whooped for Brooklyn Brooklyn take me in. When my son left for NYC two days after graduating from high school I listened to that song and sang Brooklyn, Brooklyn take him in. And it did and I knew he would be okay.
The encore was great. Salvation Song. I Killed Sally's Lover (So I go and get my murder tools-that line always makes me laugh), Gimme a Kiss and I and Love and You. Perfection.
It's so great that the Avett Brothers do this New Year's show in their home state every year. These guys are so talented. They're great musicians and just wonderful songwriters and story tellers. I'm glad that they're getting more notoriety lately but I love that they still make time for their roots in NC. They put on thi tremendous, rockin show. I never got the opportunity to see them at the small clubs around town because my kids were small then and we had no one to watch the kids. I was glad that we got to see them this year. I think that I will always spend my New Year's Eve with the Avetts as long as they will let me.
*Funny but I had to call the vet earlier in the day to get a prescription refill for my dog. I asked what time the vet was open until just in case I needed whatever. The secretary said 4. The doctor HAS to be out the door at 4. My first thought was "Why? Is she going to the Avett Brothers?" then I thought nah, I'm sure she just has New Year's Eve plans. So we drive to Greensboro. Heading down the main road and we wanna stop to eat. So we go to a Wendy's past the arena because all the restaurants are a 30 minute wait. We get our food and my husband says You're gonna think I'm crazy but isn't that our vet? I looked and I couldn't be sure but I do believe it was her. I didn't go over and say hi because I cancelled my last appointment and then I asked them to send the scrip to the pharmacy rather then fill it at the office because it saved me a trip to the vet and $15 bucks. So I thought it might be awkward. But, small world huh?
well here's my new address 6 6 4 oh I forget
I feel like I've been forgetting things alot lately. Like I'm in a fog sometimes. I'll go into a store and even though I have a list because I'm like Memento in that way. I always have to have a list. I will still forget something or everything. And it's getting annoying.
I went to see Les Miserables today and for the life of me I could not remember who the guy was that played Javert. The whole time I'm thinking Robert, Robert, Robert, R something. Hastings. Hawkins. Mack. I know this guy. He has a normal name. He has a band, Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts because THAT I can remember. WTF?? R. Robert. What!? Is his name? The credits roll down. RUSSELL CROWE! Gah!
Last nights evening news was supposed to have a story about women and peri/post menopausal memory loss. Do you forget things frequently? Think you're going crazy? You're not. Think you have early onset Alzheimer's? You don't. It's normal for peri/post menopausal women.
Annnnd that's all folks! Soooo. What to do? Should I do Sudoku? Take ginseng?
No solutions, just- that's normal.
Great. Thanks. I'll try to remember that. Or I won't.
I went to see Les Miserables today and for the life of me I could not remember who the guy was that played Javert. The whole time I'm thinking Robert, Robert, Robert, R something. Hastings. Hawkins. Mack. I know this guy. He has a normal name. He has a band, Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts because THAT I can remember. WTF?? R. Robert. What!? Is his name? The credits roll down. RUSSELL CROWE! Gah!
Last nights evening news was supposed to have a story about women and peri/post menopausal memory loss. Do you forget things frequently? Think you're going crazy? You're not. Think you have early onset Alzheimer's? You don't. It's normal for peri/post menopausal women.
Annnnd that's all folks! Soooo. What to do? Should I do Sudoku? Take ginseng?
No solutions, just- that's normal.
Great. Thanks. I'll try to remember that. Or I won't.
New Year's resolution #48
I never officially make New Year's resolutions. They always get broken anyway. This year I would like to make some resolutions.
#1-Write in my blog more. I always have ideas throughout the day but I either forget them later on in the day or I ... digress.... too much.
I got an iPhone 5 recently and the note feature along with the voice thing makes it easy to put my topics down so that I won't forget them. So I really should make more of a concerted effort to follow through. which brings me to-
#2- Follow through on things. Return phone calls. Make phone calls that need to be made. I don't know why but I hate making phone calls. It's almost a phobia but it's not. I'm just a procrastinator. I was watching Dr. Phil many years ago and there was a woman who did have a phobia about making and returning phone calls and Dr. Phil was like "Get over it! What makes you so special that you can disregard people?" I think about that when I put things off. Case in point. My brother and his wife sent a lovely gift basket from Chelsea market for Christmas and though I spoke to my bro on Christmas, the box had not yet arrived. he told me of it's impending delivery. When the package arrived 2 days later, I should have called him and I meant to but I didn't. and then the next day went by. And the next day. And the next day and then it was New Year's Eve. And I meant to call New Year's day. But I didn't. I ultimately sent an email to both my brother and his wife individually, thanking them both enormously and apologizing profusely for my bad form.
#3 TC(me)B. I really need to get to the dermatologist for a skin cancer screening and book a massage. My husband got me a gift certificate for a pedicure last Christmas (2011) and I have never used it. I wanted to do a spa day, get a massage and then go for a mani-pedi but I never made the time. Also, I didn't want to go in there with my feet all awful and gnarly so I would go through spurts where I would use foot scrub and moisturizer so my feet were not so gross. But then I still didn't get over to get my mani-pedi.
#1-Write in my blog more. I always have ideas throughout the day but I either forget them later on in the day or I ... digress.... too much.
I got an iPhone 5 recently and the note feature along with the voice thing makes it easy to put my topics down so that I won't forget them. So I really should make more of a concerted effort to follow through. which brings me to-
#2- Follow through on things. Return phone calls. Make phone calls that need to be made. I don't know why but I hate making phone calls. It's almost a phobia but it's not. I'm just a procrastinator. I was watching Dr. Phil many years ago and there was a woman who did have a phobia about making and returning phone calls and Dr. Phil was like "Get over it! What makes you so special that you can disregard people?" I think about that when I put things off. Case in point. My brother and his wife sent a lovely gift basket from Chelsea market for Christmas and though I spoke to my bro on Christmas, the box had not yet arrived. he told me of it's impending delivery. When the package arrived 2 days later, I should have called him and I meant to but I didn't. and then the next day went by. And the next day. And the next day and then it was New Year's Eve. And I meant to call New Year's day. But I didn't. I ultimately sent an email to both my brother and his wife individually, thanking them both enormously and apologizing profusely for my bad form.
#3 TC(me)B. I really need to get to the dermatologist for a skin cancer screening and book a massage. My husband got me a gift certificate for a pedicure last Christmas (2011) and I have never used it. I wanted to do a spa day, get a massage and then go for a mani-pedi but I never made the time. Also, I didn't want to go in there with my feet all awful and gnarly so I would go through spurts where I would use foot scrub and moisturizer so my feet were not so gross. But then I still didn't get over to get my mani-pedi.
N/G nog
Low-fat eggnog is never good. I have tried and tried but.....nope. I bought this Bolthouse Farms version because they make a very good yogurt blue cheese dressing. But alas, even Bolthouse cannot rock the low-fat eggnog either. Eggnog happens once a year. Go for it. Add some Brandy for good measure.
A funny scene on Parks and Rec was when Ben and Chris were at Jerry's Christmas party and Chris who is a radical health nut (played by Rob Lowe) is drinking eggnog and he turns to Ben and says "This is literally the best nonfat eggnog I've ever had. Ben says, "Remain calm but I think that you just drank some of the regular full fat eggnog. Chris, one cup won't kill ya." " No but it will add exactly 440 calories. But you know what? I'm fine. And you only live once." Then he takes another sip and says MMM! I don't know if you know this, but things with fat in them taste way better than things that don't! Ben says " Yeah, Chris everybody knows that."

A funny scene on Parks and Rec was when Ben and Chris were at Jerry's Christmas party and Chris who is a radical health nut (played by Rob Lowe) is drinking eggnog and he turns to Ben and says "This is literally the best nonfat eggnog I've ever had. Ben says, "Remain calm but I think that you just drank some of the regular full fat eggnog. Chris, one cup won't kill ya." " No but it will add exactly 440 calories. But you know what? I'm fine. And you only live once." Then he takes another sip and says MMM! I don't know if you know this, but things with fat in them taste way better than things that don't! Ben says " Yeah, Chris everybody knows that."
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