Friday, January 4, 2013

Mah mah heart like a kick drum

Saw the Avett Brothers on New Year's Eve in Greensboro. They were awesome. Opened with Head Full of Doubt. It's one of my favorites. The very song that got me through 2010 and 2011. They all came out in white suits. It was a foot stompin, hand clapping, rawkin' good time. The crowd was so diverse. There were 60 year olds in church clothes right down to 8 (my estimation) year olds. Lotta drinking going on. They were selling tall boys at the show. I was just hoping that no one would yak on my suede Vera Wang boots. That would not be cool. I did not drink in deference to my husband who had to drive home later that night. It wouldn't be fair after all. We contemplated staying overnight in a hotel but we didn't feel comfortable leaving the 18 year old boy home alone for the first time on a New Year's eve. The one for whom Head Full of Doubt so aptly resonated for me.

Sister Bonnie came out and joined them on two songs one of which was Salvation Song. That was great. So much love in the family.

Every song selection was perfect. How can you go wrong? They even had a second stage up at the far end of the arena so that the folks in the back had front row seats for a time. At the end of Ten Thousand Words all of a sudden there a great reverb throughout the arena. I looked at my husband and I said What's going on? Is it Midnight? Is it a spaceship? Is it a terrorist attack? He said Nah, someone f'd up is all. Probably leaned on the wrong button. Then they picked back up on the main stage with  the ever blistering Colorshow. And Laundry Room. Old Joe Clark and Talk on Indolence. And even Geraldine. Which I previously was not crazy about but seeing/hearing it live yeah, I can dig it. And Salina.

You knew you were among North Carolinian's when during Murder in the City no one (but me) whooped for Brooklyn Brooklyn take me in. When my son left for NYC two days after graduating from high school I listened to that song and sang Brooklyn, Brooklyn take him in. And it did and I knew he would be okay.

The encore was great. Salvation Song. I Killed Sally's Lover (So I go and get my murder tools-that line always makes me laugh), Gimme a Kiss and I and Love and You. Perfection.

It's so great that the Avett Brothers do this New Year's show in their home state every year. These guys are so talented. They're great musicians and just wonderful songwriters and story tellers. I'm glad that they're getting more notoriety lately but I love that they still make time for their roots in NC. They put on thi tremendous, rockin show. I never got the opportunity to see them at the small clubs around town because my kids were small then and we had no one to watch the kids. I was glad that we got to see them this year. I think that I will always spend my New Year's Eve with the Avetts as long as they will let me.

*Funny but I had to call the vet earlier in the day to get a prescription refill for my dog. I asked what time the vet was open until just in case I needed whatever. The secretary said  4. The doctor HAS to be out the door at 4. My first thought was "Why? Is she going to the Avett Brothers?" then I thought nah, I'm sure she just has New Year's Eve plans. So we drive to Greensboro. Heading down the main road and we wanna stop to eat. So we go to a Wendy's past the arena because all the restaurants are a 30 minute wait. We get our food and my husband says You're gonna think I'm crazy but isn't that our vet? I looked and I couldn't be sure but I do believe it was her. I didn't go over and say hi because I cancelled my last appointment and then I asked them to send the scrip to the pharmacy rather then fill it at the office because it saved me a trip to the vet and $15 bucks. So I thought it might be awkward. But, small world huh?

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